Monday, August 9, 2010

Reply to this Post with Your Complaint

Standard Complaint against Pre-Paid Legal

I finally received a letter from Pre-Paid Services, Inc. (PPSLI) stating that my personal information documents had been shredded as I had requested over a year ago. I had requested that my personal information be retrieved from the PPLSI associate. They had original refused to assist me in this matter and stated I could not use PPLSI services to assist me in retrieving the information.

I believe the only reason the PPLSI retrieved or stated they had shredded my personal information was I had contacted the law firm that represents PPLSI in Kansas. The law firm was unsympathetic about my request to secure my personal information from a PPLSI sales person. The law firm stated that they had nothing to do with terms of the plans.

I still believe PPLSI is a very dishonest company. They didn't give any details about how personal information was retrieved from their former salesman. They former sales person is my neighbor and has a long history of legal problems including violent behavior.

They economics of PPLSI are poor. If a person saves $25.00 a month for legal services for several years, the average person would have significant saving for many legal questions. I believe because of the slow speed and upgrades required for major legal issues—PPLSI is money wasted!!!